Volunteer Screening Procedure Policy
1.0 Definitions
1. The following terms have these meanings in this Policy:
a) “Organization” – Langley United Soccer Association
b) “Police Record Check” – A search of the RCMP criminal records database to determine whether the individual has a criminal record (CRC)
c) “Vulnerable Sector Check” – A secondary part of the Police Record Check, for individuals who are volunteering in a vulnerable sector (such as with minor athletes or with persons with a disability), which also searches for the existence of any pardoned sex offenses and/or charges (VS)
2.0 Definitions
2. The Organization understands thatscreening personnel and volunteersis a vital part of providing a safe sporting environment. The Organization is responsible, by law, to do everything reasonabletoprovide a safe and secure environment for participants in its programs, activities, and events. The purpose of screening is to identify individuals involved with Organization activities who may pose a risk to the Organization and its participants.
3.0 Application of this Policy
3. This Policy applies to all individuals whose position with the Organization is one of trust and or authority which may relate to, at a minimum, finances, supervision, young people, or people with a disability.
4. Not all individuals associated with the Organization will be required to undergo screening through a CRC and or VS. This is due to not all positions pose a risk of harm to the Organization or to its participants. The Organization will determine which individuals will be subject to screening using the following guidelines (variations from the guidelines are at the sole discretion of the Organization):
Low Risk - Individuals involved in low risk assignments that are not in a supervisory role, not directing others, not involved with financial/cash management, and/or do not have access to minors or people with a disability. Examples:
a) Parents, youth, or volunteers who are helping out on a non-regular informal basis VOLUNTEER SCREENING PROCEDURE POLICY
HighRisk – Individualsinvolvedin highrisk assignmentswhooccupy positions oftrust and/or authority, have a supervisory role, direct others, are involved with financial/cash management, and who have access to minors or people with a disability.
1. It is the Organization’s policy that:
a) Low Level Risk Individuals will:
b) High Level Risk Individuals will:
2. Failure to participate in the screening process as outlined in this policy will result in the individual’s ineligibility for the position sought.
3. When the Screening Committee is of the opinion that, notwithstanding a conviction, a person can occupy a position within the Organization without adversely affecting the safety of the Organization, any individual, athlete or member of the Organization through the imposition of such terms and conditions as are deemed appropriate, the Screening Committee may approve an individuals’ participation.
4. If an individual subsequently receives a conviction for, or is found guilty of, an offense they will report this circumstance immediately to the Organization.
5. If an individual provides falsified or misleading information, the individual will immediately be removed from their Organization position and may be subject to further discipline. Screening Committee:
6. The implementation of this policy is the responsibility of the Organization Screening Committee which is a committee of three (3) to five (5) members appointed by the Organization. The Organization will ensure that the members appointed to the Screening Committee possess the requisite skills, knowledge and abilities to accurately assess CRC / VSs and the Screening Disclosure Form and render decisions under this Policy. Quorum for the Screening Committee will be three members.
7. The Organization may remove any member of the Screening Committee. When a position on the Screening Committee becomes vacant, either because a member has been removed or because a member has resigned, the Organization will appoint a replacement member.
8. The Screening Committee will carry out its duties, in accordance with the terms of this policy, independent of the Organization’s Board of Directors.
9. The Screening Committee is responsible for reviewing all CRC / VSs and Screening Disclosure Forms and, based on such reviews, making decisions regarding the appropriateness of individuals filling positions within the Organization. In carrying out its duties, the Screening Committee may consult with independent experts including lawyers, police, risk management consultants, volunteer screening specialists, or any other person. How to obtain a RCMP records check or vulnerable sector check (CRC / VS):
10. Individuals may obtain a CRC / VSs by visiting an RCMP office or local police station, submitting two pieces of government-issued identification (one of which must have a photo), and completing any required paperwork. All forms are available on the Langley United Soccer Association’s website. VOLUNTEER SCREENING PROCEDURE POLICY
11. Fingerprinting may be required if there is a positive match with the individual’s gender and birth date. Procedure:
12. The Screening requirements defined in this policy will be submitted to the Organization’s head office in an envelope marked “Confidential”: Langley United Soccer Association P. O. Box ??? Langley, BC V Attention: Risk Management
13. Individuals who do not undertake the screening requirements required by this policy will receive a notice to that effect and will be informed that their application and/or position will not proceed until such time as the screening requirements are followed.
14. The Screening Committee will review all submitted documents and determine if the individual has committed a relevant offense.
15. Subsequent to its’ review, the Screening Committee, by majority vote, will:
16. If an individual’s documents do not reveal a relevant offense, the Screening Committee will advise the appropriate person that the individual is eligible. If an individual’s documents reveal a relevant offense, the Screening Committee will render its decision and provide notice of its decision to the appropriate person. After providing notice, the Screening Committee will return or destroy the CRC / VSs.
17. Decisions of the Screening Committee may not be appealed or may be appealed in accordance with the organizations appeal policy.
18. CRC / VSs are valid for a period of two years and Screening Disclosure Forms must be completed on an annual basis. However, the Screening Committee may request that an individual provide a CRC / VS or a Screening Disclosure Form for review and consideration at any time. Such request will be in writing and reasons will be provided for such a request.