Langley United Soccer Association

Player Observations

U11 – U18 Divisional Placement

Langley United begins tiering at the U11 age group. The information from the previous season is used for the initial tiering placements and then becomes an on-going observation process also called the Fluid Roster Process (FRP).

The purpose of the FRP is to provide players the opportunity to be assessed for either Division 1, 2, or 3 by not being locked to a roster. Meaning, when a player is initially assigned to a specific team and division, there is fluid movement opportunity to other teams and divisions when the LUSA technical team deem necessary. By following the FRP it allows players to be assessed over the course of a season and allows players to showcase their full abilities rather than seeing short snapshot moments in unfamiliar environments.

Fluid Roster Process

FRP stands for Fluid Roster Process, which is a policy used in the BC Coastal Soccer League
(BCCSL) to allow players to move between teams.

How does the FRP work? 

  • Players with a valid BC Soccer ID can be moved between teams using the FRP if approved by their club Technical Lead.
  • The FRP chart outlines where players can be moved to within their club.
  • Team game day rosters, including FRP players, can't exceed the BCCSL's roster size.
  • All FRP movement are approved by the club Technical Lead.

Processes & Timelines for Player Movement

Process – Team Coach & LUSA Technical Staff ​Recommendation

Step 1: 
Coaches monitor players within their team environment using the LUSA 4 Pillar Athlete Guide

Step 2: 
Opportunity for recommendations are made by the Technical Staff and Head Coaches three times per year. Once in October and again in January for the Fall and once in mid-April for spring. Once received, players are added to a player database where they will be scheduled to attend an open development session.

Step 3: 
The sessions will be held at Willoughby Community Park and details are communicated to the
players once the recommended list is built from each phase.

Process – Individual Request for Player Observation

Step 1: 
The Family completes the request for player observation form. There are 3 phases of observation requests to take place. Once in October and again in January for the Fall and once in mid-April for spring.

Step 2: 
Once received, players are added to a player database where they will be scheduled to attend an open development session within the 3 phase dates.

Step 3:
The sessions will be held at Willoughby Community Park and details are communicated to the players once the recommended list is built from each phase.

Process – LUSA Technical Staff Observations:

Step 1: 
Technical staff observe training and games and will review with coaches.

Step 2: 
Identified players are added to a player database where they will be scheduled to attend an open development session within the 3 phase dates.

Step 3:
The sessions will be held at Willoughby Community Park and details are communicated to the players once the recommended list is built from each phase.

Phase 1:

  • Player list is built over the Thanksgiving weekend
  • Player list is communicated to individual families the week after Thanksgiving weekend
  • Development session is scheduled during the last week of October
  • Feedback regarding player movement is communicated by November 1 st

Phase 2:

  • Player list is built in the last week of January
  • Player list is communicated to individual families the first week of February
  • Development session is scheduled during the week leading into Family Weekend
  • Feedback regarding player movement is communicated by end of February

Phase 3:

  • Player list is built over the third week in April
  • Player list is communicated to individual families that same week
  • Development session is scheduled the first week of May
  • Feedback regarding player movement is communicated by second week of May