Volunteer Orientation
1.0 Overview
The Langley United Soccer Association values and recognizes the contributions that volunteers have to the Club. The Club could not function without the many volunteers who dedicate their time to help the soccer community of Langley.
Educating coaches, managers, leaders, Board members and all Club volunteers is very important. The Langley United Soccer Association recognizesthatthe organizationhas a responsibilityto provideinformation to volunteers about the Club and its activities, and has orientation manuals available to its volunteers to assist them in carrying out their volunteer duties with LUSA.
Langley United will endeavour to make all volunteers feel welcome and appreciated and inform them of the Club’s policies and procedures. All volunteers are important to the Club and the tasks performed by ourmany volunteers help contribute to the mission and vision of the Club. All volunteers will be advised of their roles within the organization, who they reportto, and what can be expected of them in their volunteer position with the Club. A job description will be provided to outline the expectations of the volunteer.
Each volunteer will be provided with a manual specific to their function with the Club that will contain the following:
- Description and history of Langley United
- Description of the overall programs and participants of Langley United
- Organizational chart for Langley United
- Orientation of all facilities
- Knowledge of general policies and procedures
The purpose of volunteer orientation is to provide the Club’s volunteers with an outline of their role with the Club. The better the volunteer understands the Club and how it operates, the better the volunteer will be able to fit their actions into proper methods of behaviour and to display initiative in developing further ways to be helpful to the Club.
All Board members are required to sign an Oath of Confidentiality, Conflict of Interest statement and are required to complete the Respect in The Workplace on line module, as part of their orientation.
All coaching staff are required to sign a Code of Conduct, complete the age appropriate certification and complete the on line module Respect In Sport Activity Leader Program, as part of their orientation.