Respect Program
– FIFA President Joseph Blatter
Langley United Soccer Association’s RESPECT program is based upon the FIFA program under the same name. We were the first club in Canada to implement such a program and has received numerous accolades from local & provincial government representatives and sports organizations. (see links below)
LUYSA’s RESPECT Program is based on the idea that RESPECT is the collective responsibility of everyone in soccer to create a fair, safe, and enjoyable environment in which the game can take place.
This not only includes players, but also parents, coaches, referees, spectators and everyone else involved in “The Beautiful Game”. From encouraging our kids from the sidelines, recognizing the officials authority on the pitch, to shaking your opponent’s hand after a match. RESPECT is the basis that we encourage out players and members to enjoy the game. All players, coaches, and parents are encouraged to read and sign our LUSA RESPECT PLEDGE

The RESPECT program can be explained to young children with one simple golden rule…. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. As coaches and parents, we can not only remind our children of this simple rule, but also keep it in mind ourselves when on the sidelines and communicating with other parents, players, coaches and officials.
The RESPECT Pledge can be easily printed on stuck up on a child wall, or attached to the family refrigerator for a continual reminder of the “golden rule”.
Judi Vankevich – The Manners Lady, participated in LUSA’s season kick-off bbq in 2010, and brought her unique and entertaining program to our club and demonstrated to our kids that RESPECT and good manners can and SHOULD be a part of all our lives. Please visit her website for more info on Judi and her programs The Manners Club.
Local Parliament Accolades
Dear Players and Family Members,Congratulations on signing the Respect pledge, a first in Canada. As representatives of Langley on the sports field, you make us all proud with your commitment to respect the rules of fair play and sportsmanship. The values that you bring to the game you will also bring to all areas of your life.
Parents, you are to be congratulated too for instilling those values in your children by modelling good behaviour.
You are always their first and best example of how to as they learn and grow. Langley is leading the way in building the best kind of sports teams—the kind that, win or lose, still play the game the way it was meant to be played.
Again, congratulations on taking this important pledge of good character.
Mark Warawa
Member of Parliament, Langley
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of the Environment
Langley City Mayor Peter Fassbender
Congratulations from Langley City – I’m proud of how our Langley athletes represent our community across the province and Canada and even overseas. Good manners and good sportsmanship make good communities.
Township of Langley Mayor Rick Green
“It is wonderful to see so many young people who are not just interested in staying active and learning about teamwork and sportsmanship through soccer, but are pledging to be the best people they can be by showing respect to those around them.
Respecting others through your attitude, words, and actions helps make the world a better place for everyone, and sets an example for people of all ages to follow.
On behalf of Township of Langley Council, congratulations to the Langley United Youth Soccer Association for supporting these young people, who are ambassadors for our community on and off the field. As well, congratulations to the children, parents, and coaches who are the first in Canada to sign
the Respect Pledge for a Winning Team. Your efforts and attitude make us all proud!”