National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP)
The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) gives coaches the training and tools they need to succeed – in coaching and in life.
All LUSA Coaches are required to carry coaching certification appropriate to the age group(s) they are responsible for; LUSA provides ongoing FREE age group specific training across the year as well as other development courses available, The NCCP is an area for all coaches for all sports in Canada to have their credentials listed and applied to you as a coach. If you’ve been a coach for another soccer team or another sport you may already have a NCCP# and LUSA will need that information to either check you’re already certified or to apply detail of the training courses completed.
How do i get a NCCP# if I don’t have one?
- Go to
- Click on the tab called The Locker
- Click on “Don’t have an account? Create one now!”
- Check the box “I agree”
- Check the box “I want to create a Locker account for access to my transcript, eLearning opportunities, to sign up for coaching events, and more!” – Fill in your info – Click Register
- Login to your email account and open the verification email that was sent to you
- Click on the “click here” at the very end of the email
- Create a password
- Click submit
- Click on the Icon “Profile”
- In the left hand corner of your screen under your name is your NCCP#
NCCP New Coaching Model

To download a copy of the Certification Program image above, you can do so here.