Goal Post Safety
Remember to use all equipment, not just goalposts, safely at all times
Langley United Soccer Association would like to draw your attention to the following guidelines for the safe use of goalposts. The unsafe or incorrect use of goal posts could lead to serious injury or death. Safety is always of paramount importance and everyone in soccer must play their part to make our sport as safe as possible.
The following guidelines are intended to address the risk of goal post “toppling” incidents. They are not intended as an exhaustive list of all goal post safety related concerns. Goal posts and all equipment should be thoroughly inspected for any safety related concerns prior to each use.
- For safety reasons, goalposts of any size (including those, which are portable and not installed permanently at a pitch or practice field) must always be positioned safely and, ideally be anchored securely to the ground.
- It is essential that under no circumstances should children or adults be allowed to climb, swing on, or play with the structures of the goalposts.
- Particular attention is drawn to the fact that if not properly assembled, positioned, and secured, portable goalposts may topple over.
- Portable goalposts may be secured by the use of chain anchors or appropriate anchor weights to prevent them from toppling forward.
- Portable goalposts should not be left in place after use. They should be dismantled and removed to a place of secure storage.
- It is strongly recommended that nets should only be secured by plastic hooks or tape and not be metal cup hooks. Any metal cup hooks should, if possible, be removed and replaced. New goalposts should not be purchased, if they included metal cup hooks, which cannot be replaced.
- Goalposts, which are “home-made” or which have been altered from their original size or construction, should not be used.